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Saturday, November 13, 2010


Brussels and Paris are my chosen cities, these cities are one of the city breaks holiday destination. According to the UK outband spent over or less than £3,000 in 2009. 
Eurostar: Belgium, Brussels, Rail
England, London, from St Pancras to Brussels – Gare du Midi Bruxelles. 
Total cost, £106 + £30 credit card + £3 additional fees= £140.00
Time 08.27- 11.33    duration 2h 06   according GMT+1 Month July. 20010
Hotel: Ibis Bruxelles Gare du midi
1x single room + 14 days= £1,120
The transfer time to the destination is 2 minutes from the station to the hotel by walking, 1 minute by cycling, 30 second by driving.
The overall cost include the hotel cost is: £140, 00 + £1,120= £1,260

British Airways: Belgium, Brussels, Air
London, Heathrow (LHR)   to Brussels, (BRU)
Total cost, £99 +£48.50 (taxes, fees, charges and surcharges per person) £147.50
Time 12.35 – 14.45 duration 2h 10 according GMT+1 Month July. 2010
Hotel: Ibis Bruxelles Gare du midi
1x single room + 14 days= £1,120
The transfer time from the Airport to the hotel is 18 minutes by taxi, 22 minutes by coach and 35 minutes by walking.
The overall cost include the hotel cost is: £147, 50 + £1, 120= £1,267.50

Eurostar, France, Paris, Rail
London, St Pancras to Paris, Gare du Nord 
Total cost, £140 + £30 credit card + £3 additional fees= £173.00
Time 08.55 – 12.17 duration 2h 22 according to GMT+1 Month July. 2010
Hotel: A la villa Saint-Martin
1x single room + 14 days = £1,210.00
The transfer time from the station to the hotel is 2 minutes by taxi, personal car, 4 minutes by coach and 6 minutes by cycling.
Overall cost include the hotel cost is: £173.00 + £1,210.00= £1,383.00

British Airways, France, Paris, Air
London, Heathrow (LHR) to Paris, Roissy Charles de Gualles (CDG) 
Total cost £148 includes (taxes, fees, changes and surcharges per person £48.50)
Time 08.50-11.05    duration 2h 55 according GMT+1 Month July.2010
Hotel: A la villa Saint-Martin
1x single room + 14 days= £1,210.00
The transfer time from the airport to the hotel is 32 minutes by taxi, personal car, 34 minutes by coach and 41minutes by cycling.  
Overall cost include the hotel cost is: £148 + £1,210.00= £1,358.00

The focus for M1 is to consider accessibility in terms of how it adds to or detracts from the appeal of a
destination. To achieve M1, learners must assess how easily accessible (or not) two selected destinations
are for visitors from the UK, and therefore assess how accessibility contributes to the overall appeal of those
destinations. They should consider ease of access from different parts of the UK, cost, travel and transfer time. 

this coursework has value of Pass 2 in Travel and tourism level 2 in European destination 

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